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Zarges DayZ is a community consisting of players, modders, server owners etc. stemming from the community of the video game DayZ run by me (Zarge), On this webiste we'll provide you with rules etc for my DayZ servers and prices for approved monetization.


I started playing DayZ in late 2018 on Playstation 4 as I'd been an avid console gamer since I was 7-8 years old. I moved over too PC as of January 2021. Soon after I decided to try and make a dream come true, a dream I've had since I was a kid, building a world that players could roam and discover things I have made. Creating and telling little or big stories with places or locations in the world I created.

DayZ gave me this opportunity to make this dream come true. I got into DayZ modding, more specifically terrain making from the start and more general modding in the latest year. With the help of a guy called Richie I was able to start the creation of the DayZ map Senjan in April 2021.

I built this map as I learned along the way, the map changed alot over time from it's initial foundation being laid.

I eventually renamed Senjan too Iztek, albeit Senjan still being part of the map as the 'oceanic river' that splits the map into two islands.

I released the map on 11 November 2021 with a playable terrain of 30km2 surrounded by ocean.

I continued to work on the map allthrough 2022 where several updates occured, incluing a terrain expansion of 10km2, setting the playable terrain to a total of 40km2.

I released the final update in November 2022.

However, already in late December of 2021, a month after releasing Iztek, I started working on a different project, Sahrani. A incredible terrain of map, firstly released with Arma 1 in 2006.

Sahrani has since been ported too Arma 2 and Arma 3 by different people. I thought this could be my next project. I'm coming to an end on the project and Sahrani will soon make a comeback onto the DayZ scene (IT was playable on the Arma 2 DayZ mod) roughly 10 years ago. 


SahraniPlus is soon to be.


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